You hold your answers.

I help you uncover them.


Let me be your guide.

I’m a Reiki Master, a yoga teacher, a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, and a licensed therapist. I have spent the last decade helping people step more fully into their present experience. I also bring forty+ years of hearty self-exploration to the table.

I believe our bodies hold a great amount of wisdom. I have spent the last many years learning how to utilize all of our bodies - not just our minds - for healing and growth.

I’d love to show you.


I’m Krissie.

Not your guru. Not your inspiration. But your tour guide. I walk with you as you learn about yourself, your patterns, your inner workings, and how to shift into closer alignment to yourself.

Our work together will help you uncover your little voice. We will nurture and grow your little voice into your BIG voice. You will learn and heal and grow into your fullest expression of YOU.

“Working with Krissie is like getting a warm hug from a close friend - you feel supported, loved, and respected.

And then she empowers you to do the work to help yourself.”

—Kate P.

Your healing is waiting.